Haunt is a board game where players take command of various types of frightening beasts, called Haunts, that seek to Devour villagers and seize control of the village. Haunt features integrated lights within the board connected to a digital interface that tracks player turns and the random events throughout the game. The goal of Haunt is to collect the most amount of points over 8 rounds - the player with the most points wins.
The digital interface for Haunt was developed using Scratch on a Raspberry Pi.
Custom board created for Haunt, wired with LEDs and integrated with a touch screen interface.
Rules and Reference sheets for Haunt
Designs for each of the Haunts within the game
Images and rules for each of the Haunts that are displayed on the digital interface are on the left, and on the right are the 3D tokens and trays to be used in the board game.